7 Somatic Exercises For Belly Fat That Actually Work

7 Somatic Exercises For Belly Fat That Actually Work

Shedding belly fat can be challenging, but one can get into an ideal shape. But what if you are a beginner? Well, it does not matter, as there exist various somatic exercises for belly fat that anyone can do. Exercises like yoga, Pilates, and progressive muscle relaxation are instrumental in toning midsections through holistic wellness. Incorporate these 7 somatic exercises into your fitness regime and shed that extra belly fat to become healthier while reducing stress. Let’s understand each of them.

Know These 7 Somatic Exercises For Belly Fat

1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

In PMR, muscles are initially tightened and then progressively relaxed. This exercise helps combat stress and increases muscle control and awareness. With regular practice, PMR can achieve correct posture and perfect body alignment, which makes other fat-burning activities easy to perform.

2. Yoga

It comprises stretching, breathing techniques, and meditation to improve flexibility, balance, and core strength. In the context of weight loss, various positions, such as the plank, boat, and warrior III, work the abdominal muscles. When done regularly, these workouts help reduce belly fat and relieve tension.

3. Pilates

Pilates is all about core strength and stability. Some exercises, like the hundred, roll-up, and leg circles, really work out abdominals. It tones not only the midsection but also gives rise to the functionality of the rest of the other muscles and good posture. With Pilates added in, you will have a strong base for other intense workouts.

4. Martial Arts

When embedded with dynamic movements and mindfulness, some martial arts exercises, such as Tai Chi and Kung Fu, enhance coordination, flexibility, and mental focus. Controlled yet deliberate movements in martial arts engage the core muscles that help reduce belly fat. Moreover, practice instills a mental discipline that can increase your commitment to overall fitness.

5. Dancing

It’s the easiest and most enjoyable way of burning calories and shedding belly fat. Disco, Zumba, hip hop, and Salsa have fast movements that involve the whole body, mainly keeping your abdominal muscles at work. These dance forms also keep you happy and free of stress; thus, they can be added to one’s routine.

happy women walking

Source: Freepik

6. Walking

Walking is a simple yet fundamental exercise for losing unwanted pounds. Brisk walking enforces the transverse core muscles, which helps reduce excess flab in your abdomen over time. Take it up a notch by introducing a technique called interval walking. Here, you alter the pace between fast and slow walking. Moreover, walking can also lower your stress levels and bring about clarity of mind, which will help you get on track and stick to a healthy lifestyle more easily.

7. Somatic Stretches

Somatic stretches are light, mindful stretches that help relax the body and improve body awareness. They focus on stress accumulation in the lower back and hips. With regular practice, somatic stretches can help with flexibility exercises and decrease the risk of injury from high-intensity workouts.

Benefits Of Somatic Exercises In Reducing Belly Fat

Apart from attaining fitness, somatic exercises have advantages, including improved mental health, less stress, and increased body awareness. They also increase adherence to exercise and result in long-term weight reduction, which are critical factors in maintaining a stable exercise regime.

Stress Reduction

Stress is the primary reason for weight gain and belly fat. Somatic exercises reduce stress hormones such as cortisol by making a person relax and become more aware of themselves. This allows you to keep the stress level at a reduced state and not let more weight accumulate on the body, particularly around the abdomen.

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Source: Freepik

Relief of Pain

Somatic exercises relieve pain by aligning the body and releasing tension from the muscles. With reduced pain, exercising regularly becomes very easy. One cannot neglect the importance of exercise, especially regarding weight loss. 

Improved Flexibility and Balance

Owing to improved flexibility and balance, reduced injury risks improve general physical performance. This will then enable one to have effective workouts and achieve better results in belly fat reduction.

Final Words

Though a somatic workout may not directly target belly fat, it provides a holistic fitness approach that promotes health and well-being. Add these exercises to your routine and start experiencing improvements in your mental and physical health. Start doing them and see the difference for yourself.


  1. Juniper. Somatic exercises for weight loss: Exploring the benefits.
  2. BetterMe. Somatic Exercises For Belly Fat Loss.
Hana Evans

Hana Evans

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